
Bibliografía sobre el impacto de los gastos de campaña sobre resultados electorales

VI. Bibliografía:

I. Libros y capítulos de libros
Carrillo, Manuel, Alonso Lujambio et al. (2003), Dinero y contienda político-electoral, México, FCE.
Colomer, Josep M. (2001), Instituciones políticas, Barcelona, Ariel.
Ginsberg, Benjamín (1984), “Money and Power: The New Political Economy of American Elctions” en Thomas Ferguson y Joel Rogers (eds.) The Political Economy. Readings in the Politics and Economics of American Public Policy. New York, M.E. Sharp. Inc.
Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison y John Jay (1943), El Federalista, México, FCE.
Hinich, Melvin J. y Michael C. Munger (1997), Analytical Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Jacobson, Gary C. (1980), Money in Congressional Elections, New York, Yale University Press.
­­­——— (2001), Politics of Congressional Elections, 5a ed. San Diego, Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc.
Mueller, Dennis C. (2003), Public Choice III, New York, Cambridge University Press.
Palda, Filip (1994), How Much is Your Vote Worth?, San Francisco, Institute for Contemporary Studies Press.
Poiré, Alejandro (2005), “Follow the money: Local public funding and internal party transfers in 2003” en Mathew Shugart y Jeffery Weldon (eds.) What kind of democracy has Mexico? San Diego, UCSD.
Weldon, Jeffery (1997), “The political sources of presidencialismo in Mexico” en Scott Mainwaring y Matthew Shugart (eds.) Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America. New York, Cambridge University Press.
Wooldrige, Jeffrey (2003), Intrducción a la econometría. México Thomson Learning.

II. Revistas
Cox, Gary W. and Michael F. Thies (2000), “How much does Money Matter? Buying Votes in Japan, 1967-1990,” en Comparative Political Studies, vol. 33, num. 1, pp. 37-57.
Erikson, Robert S. and Thomas R. Palfrey (2000), “Equilibria in Campaign Spending Games: Theory and Data,” en American Political Science Review, vol. 94, num. 3, pp. 595-609.Gerber, Alan (1998), “Estimating the effect of Campaign Spending on Senate Election Outcomes Using Instrumental Variables” en The American Political Science Review, vol. 92, num. 2, pp. 401-411. Jacobson, Gary C. (1978), “The Effects of Campaign Spending in Congressional Elections” en The American Political Science Review, vol. 72, num. 2, pp. 469-491.
——— (1990), “The Effects of Campaign Spending in House Elections: New Evidence for Old Arguments,” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 34, num. 2, pp.334-362.Murayama, Ciro (2005), “Dinero, medios y elecciones” en Nexos, vol. 27, num. 331, pp. 45-53.
Palda, Filip and Kristian Palda (1998), “The Impact of Campaign Expenditures on Political Competition in the French Legislative Elections of 1993,” en Public Choice, vol. 94, num. 1, pp.157-174.
Pattie, Charles J., Ronald J. Johnston et al. (1995), “Winning the Local Vote: the Effectiveness of Constituency Campaign Spending in Great Britain, 1983-1992,” en American Political Science Review, vol. 89, num. 4, pp. 969-983.
Samuels, David (2001), “Incumbents and Challengers on a Level Playing Field: Assessing the Impact of Campaign Finance in Brazil,” en The Journal of Politics, vol. 63, num. 2, pp. 569-584. III. Documentos de trabajo:
Langston, Joy (2005), The search for principals in the Mexican Legislature: The PRI’s Federal Deputies. CIDE DTEP (175)
Nacif, Benito (2002), El Congreso propone y el presidente dispone: Las nuevas relaciones entre el ejecutivo y el legislativo en México. CIDE CTEP (145)
IV. Páginas de Internet, bases de datos y fuentes hemerográficas:
Instituto Federal Electoralhttp://www.ife.org.mx/InternetCDA/HOME/home.jsp
Periódico Reforma fechas: 16/03/06, 20/02/06.
Periódico El Universal fechas 13/02/06, 6/03/06

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